Architect, Professor
Dr Afroza Parvin is a Professor of the Architecture Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Afroza got her Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) degree from Khulna University. She did her MSc in Urban Planning at the Centre for Urban Planning and Environmental Management (CUPEM, The University of Hong Kong) in 2002 and PhD in Urban Design in The University of Hong Kong in 2008. Dr Afroza has been a Commonwealth Academic Fellow and did her post-doctoral research at the Development Planning Unit (DPU), University College London in 2012. She is a Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar doing her research at School of Architecture at The University of Texas at Austin. Afroza’s research interest includes peri-urban and rural settlement planning; disaster adaptation in the built environment; house-building process in informal settlements; city morphology & space syntax study; and context-responsive architectural pedagogy. Her current research focuses on issues surrounding autonomous adaptation in the built environmental system of informal settlements.