Amit Krishna Sarker

Research and Design Associate

An architect from Dhaka, Amit Krishna Sarker graduated from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2021. His B.Arch Thesis entitles ‘Contemplating Dhaka: Connecting BGB Headquarters at Peelkhana with Civilian Areas’ was intended to create a symbiotic relation between civilians and Armed Forces by creating spaces in strategically vital urban nodes and axis.

He has recently started working at Bengal Institute for Architecture, Landscape and Settlement from October 2021, processing a keen interest in exploring built environments that engage people and communities. He keeps interest in designing spaces by exploring three dimensional and data driven methods.

Recently he has won ‘Berger Travel Grant Award for the students of Architecture, BUET’ and first prize in ‘Dhaka Urban Lab’- Student Competition hosted by DSCC and World Bank, and organized by Superwein Urbanism, Daffodil International University and Technical University Vienna.