Associate Professor
Farhan Karim is an associate professor of Architecture at the University of Kansas. He authored, Of Greater Dignity than Riches: Austerity and Housing Design in India (2019) and edited Routledge Companion to Architecture and Social Engagement (2018). He guest edited a special issue of the International Journal of Islamic Architecture entitled Flows, Boundaries and the Construction of Muslim Selves since 1900.
He is currently preparing a book manuscript on the partition of South Asia and the involvement of Euro-American architects in postcolonial Pakistan (1947-71). His articles and reviews have appeared in Fabrication, Planning Perspectives, Architectural Theory Review, Journal of Cultural Studies of Asia, and International Journal of Islamic Architecture.
His research has been supported by the Graham Foundation, Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Aga Khan Center for Muslim Architecture at MIT, Mellon-Volkswagen fellowship, the Getty Research Institute, and Australian Leadership Award. He convened research symposium Scholarship of Social Engagement at the University of Kansas (Fall 2016), Art and Architecture of Partition and Confederation at the Getty Research Institute (GRI) (2018), Spaces of Unnationalism in collaboration with the Society of Architecture and Urban Historians Asia (SAUH) at the Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin (2020) and ’71 Now at Cornell’s department of South-Asian studies (2021).