Thu 28 Apr - Thu 28 Apr' 22
As part of the joint studio of TU Delft and Bengal Institute on Global Housing, on Thursday, April 28, an open lecture by Dirk van Gameren was organized.
19:30 PM, April 28
Lecture by Dirk van Gameren
Bengal Institute [Level 2]
45 Kemal Ataturk Avenue
Dick van Gameren is professor of housing design and dean of the Faculty of Architecture and the built Environment, TUDelft, Netherlands. He is founding editor of the bookseries DASH, Delft Architectural Studies on Housing. He is currently developing the Global Housing Study Centre for research and education on affordable housing in the Global South. He is also a practising architect and partner of Mecanoo Architecten. In 2007 he received an Aga Khan Award, and in 2012 the Best Building of the Year Award of the Dutch Association of Architects.