
Participant Works from "Architecture as Drama" Workshop by Timmy Aziz and Holger Kleine

A comprehensive hands-on design workshop on the Drama architecture can deliver.

Over two weeks Holger Kleine and Timmy Aziz in March 2019 Session at Bengal Institute, conducted a hands-on architecture workshop on understanding and reviewing the ways architecture can be experienced and how there is drama and symphony in all well thought out architecture interventions.

A deeply immersive and intense workshop resulted in an overall scheme for the site set at Hatirjheel to allow the public to enjoy water in various layers and levels of comfort and activity. The design considered ways to mitigate the noisy atmosphere created by the Moghbazar Fly-over, the necessity of engaging the visitors with physical activity and creating a vibrant and sociable space.

Treat yourself to some of the visualised concepts.

Academic Program