Wed 6 Mar - Wed 6 Mar' 19
A lecture by Anne Feenstra on 6th March 2019 at EMK Center, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
This talk was about fundamentally re-thinking the idea of the South Asian cities like Kabul, Kathmandu and Delhi in modern times. It offered a glimpse of how we possibly can change the tool-box of the 20th century static Master Plans that we use for making cities. In the presentation four dynamic future scenario-s were shown of the 3 year long process called DELHI2050.
Professor Anne Feenstra was the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University in Ahmedabad, India from 2015 to 2017. His award winning designs and methodologies have been exhibited in 15 countries and his work is published widely in architectural magazines/books and main stream media. He gives lectures and workshops all over the world. He divides his time in South Asia between practicing and teaching.
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