Sun 29 Sep - Thu 10 Oct' 19
Building Is Crafting was a remarkable workshop on making and thinking conducted by a group of master designers and artisans.
The Studio, Building is Crafting, was an attempt to understand the phenomenological position of human minds, their ability, their duties and most importantly, their relationships between collective minds through making objects. Through participatory process, this studio focused on Look vs Gaze, Touch vs. Feel, Hear vs. Listen, Individual vs. Collective. The participants were also invited to push forward or redirect the established ways in which modern minds approach matters. All that get lost in tracing the truth, The Human Touch, of matters and their creations, were brought forward through discussion, debate, dialogue, acceptance, rejection, faith and trust.
Crafting as a way of understanding matters, participants will be encouraged to elucidate the term material/materiality through object making/analyzing. The principal values of materials and their meaningful translations, bring forth profound understanding of their positions among other matters. How human intervention plays a sublime role in this making, can open doors to see and understand the age-old matters in new ways and perhaps will redefine the strength of Natural mind in the vastness of modernity.
To begin with, participants were asked to work on a particular object, preferably a small element, which is traditionally embedded, i.e: jewelry, utensils, household objects etc. Participants are deconstructing them through drawings. The idea is to understand the given and try to magnify the element in its making.
Explore the photos, videos and activities of the last workshop on crafts May 2018 Session.
Enquiry: [email protected] | +88 01844 0505 99
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