Sun 21 Aug - Wed 31 Aug' 16
August Session: “Theory?” was organized as a special seminar on “Theories of Architecture and Urbanism”.
As an in-depth discussion on key architectural ideas shaping the architectural and urban landscape today, the seminar covered evolution of key themes in architectural design, and critical topics in contemporary landscape, human settlements, and urbanism. Through insightful discussions, the seminar helped in understanding why theory is necessary in orienting design attitudes and standpoints.
Topics covered included: concepts of body and building in design; ideas of nature, landscape, and site; language of architecture; analysis of Modernist ideologies, post- and late-modern, and contemporary conditions; tropical topics; conceptions of community identity and regionalism; themes of consumerist culture and populism; and, challenges of the contemporary city.
The Session was conducted by Kazi Khaleed Ashraf, Director General of Bengal Institute, with invited guest faculties.
Past Program