Sun 8 May - Thu 2 Jun' 16
Theories, designs and techniques were presented for working with a hydro-geographic landscape as the Bengal delta. Seminars, design workshops and forums addressed various scales of operation.
Theories, designs and techniques were presented for working with a hydro-geographic landscape as the Bengal delta. Seminars, design workshops and forums addressed various scales of operation, from water urbanism and climate-induced environmental adaptations to landscape rearrangements for more localised situations.
Kazi Ashraf started off with orienting the participants towards the multifaceted meaning of what we understand by ‘landscape’ from different perspectives. While Madhura Prematilleke gave some examples building in and with the landscape in Sri Lankan tropical climate. Salauddin Ahmed and Wakilur Rahman paved a journey of seeing a landscape as an artistic intervention and a mode of human expression through land-art and the harmonious intervention into nature. Expert landscape professor Kelly Shannon took a full-length design studio with Saif Ul Haque to look in depth into designing for the delta. She shared from her vast experience of designing in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam.
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